Monday, April 4, 2011


Originally, I was going to use Roost for one fourth of my FfF post.  But I decided against it.  Mainly because I wanted to write more than two sentences about this incredible blog.  Also, because I wanted to share lots of photos of out-of-this-world beautiful food.  And also-also, because I wanted to give myself the weekend to try and whip up one of the recipes.

Well... I worked a ton last weekend and ran a bunch of pre-getaway errands.  I didn't exactly get a chance to try any recipes.  Buh-mer.  But I did find quite a few minutes to plummet the depths of Roost's archive.  And now, I'm thinking that I'll try making something Thursday.  When I'm in California!  Whilst on vacation!  Using my mother's giant, light-filled kitchen!!!

I think I'm going to try that raw cheesecake.  I know... I've made one (actually, a bunch of minis) before.  But it's the only recipe that pleases all the household's special diets without requiring substitutions or modifications.  And, I already know that these suckers turn out amazing.


  1. What a sweet post! Thank you so much for the mention and I hope you got a chance to try out the cheesecake....had a slice tonight :)

  2. Coco,
    Thank you for stopping by w&w. I did make your cheesecake and served it for dessert at my little brother's graduation/ mom's birthday party. It was a huge hit!!! By the end of the day ALL of it was gone! Everyone was asking for the recipe too.

    It turned out far better that I had dreamed possible (so beautiful). I was thrilled that everyone could enjoy it since there are so many special diets in my family; gluten intolerance, numerous egg and dairy allergies (plus a vegan boyfriend). It was truly the perfect dessert!

    Thank you for the recipe and for all the other loveliness on Roost! I check in all the time via Rss : )
